Preferred days in Islam

There are narrations from the Prophet that inform us when Wet Cupping should be performed and when it should be avoided.

Narrated Nafi’ that Umar said: O Nafi’! Verily the blood has raged in me, so search for a gentle Cupper for me if you are able. Don’t let him be an old man or a young boy. I heard the Messenger of Allah say: Cupping on an empty stomach is better, and in it is a cure and a blessing, and it increases the mind (intellect) and memory. Therefore get treated with Cupping with the blessing of Allah on Thursday. Keep away from Cupping on Wednesday and Friday and Saturday and Sunday. Be treated with Cupping on Monday and Tuesday, because it is the day that Allah healed Ayub from the affliction. And He afflicted him on Wednesday. No leprosy appears except on a Wednesday or Wednesday night.


The above narration indicates that Hijama should be avoided on Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday unless there is an emergency or a need.

From these narrations it can be seen that Wet Cupping is best performed on the 17th, 19th and the 21st of the Lunar month (Hijri Calendar) (also known as the sunnah days) when these dates correspond with a Monday, Tuesday or a Thursday. The next best days after these are Monday, Tuesday or Thursday that are closest to the 17th, 19th and the 21st of the lunar calendar.

In Islam the night comes before the day; after sunset the new day begins. For example, after sunset on Monday, Tuesday begins.

The best time to perform cupping during the day is between Fajr (Morning prayer, before sunrise) and Maghrib (Sunset). Also, Cupping is more beneficial during the summer months rather than the winter.